One of FifthColor’s most heartfelt beliefs is in the importance of giving back to our community. Since 2017, FifthColor’s Give-Back program has offered discounts and pro-bono contracts totaling over $154,000 for non-profits and charitable organizations. Through pro-bono work and additional donations, we have helped clients reach their goals of strengthening their communities and raising the quality of life for the surrounding area. We've also built relationships that will last a lifetime.
Some of the organizations that FifthColor has had the privilege of collaborating with are the Shaw Family Playground, RCS Empowers, the Make A Wish Foundation, Lakeland University, the Plymouth Chamber of Commerce, Hispanics for School Choice, No Better Friend Corp., and several local religious institutions. Each of these organizations work diligently to improve their surrounding communities, and FifthColor is proud to contribute to their respective causes by working alongside such selfless groups and individuals.
Corporate giving is on the rise – in 2019, corporations donated $21.09 billion to charitable causes, a 13.4% increase from 2018. These are enlightening statistics highlighting the care and compassion given by businesses of all sizes.
A business' charitable actions benefit more than the organizations and surrounding community. Statistics show that companies who donate time, money, and services attract more engaged employees who are motivated and express pride in their workplace. Charitable action also attracts loyal customers. 66% of consumers are willing to pay a little extra for a brand's products or services when they know a portion of their dollars are benefiting positive causes. These consumers tend to stick with a company, becoming loyal brand ambassadors and establishing an overarching circle of benefits.
FifthColor feels a strong sense of ownership and responsibility to increase the quality of life in our area, and we are proud to continue offering products, services, and donations to organizations striving to make our community a great place to live. We urge anyone visiting our website or utilizing our services to investigate these organizations and offer any assistance they might deem suitable or appropriate.
We believe that running a successful business is about far more than the bottom line. It’s about doing social good through charity and job creation. It’s about supporting students and graduates of local colleges and universities through internships and intern-to-hire opportunities, keeping the tremendous local talent engaged. It’s about being helpful and kind to each other and our customers. FifthColor looks forward to contributing even more to the greater Sheboygan area in the years to come.